Yes, but under certain conditions.

Under what conditions?

A tree can be removed without council approval if;

  • The tree has a trunk circumference of 2.0m or less measured at a point 1.0m above natural ground level
  • Trees with multiple trunks, it is those with trunks with a total circumference of 2.0m or more and an average circumference of 625mm or more measured at a point 1.0m above natural ground level.

A number of tree species are exempt from regulated tree controls. Please see the tree exemption list below.


In addition to the above, there is no need to see council approval if:

  • A tree that is dead
  • The tree is within 20 meters of a dwelling in Medium or High Bushfire Protection Areas.
  • The trees are located within 10 meters of an existing dwelling or existing in-ground swimming pool unless it is one of the two following species of trees:
  • Agonis flexuosa (Willow Myrtle)
  • Eucalyptus (any tree of the species)
tree removal gawler council man using a power saw

What about Pruning?

Everything about the pruning of trees is considered the same as removal.

As a result, the rules discussed above apply even in pruning. It is all under tree works which are regulated by the city council

Exempt trees

There are trees that can be removed no matter what their size or condition as they are considered a pest by your local council. The above-listed conditions do not apply.

Does my council have an exempt tree list?

Yes, see table below

Common Name

Box Elder
Silver Maple
Tree of Heaven
Evergreen Alder
European Nettle Tree
Chinese Nettle Tree
Camphor Laurel
Monterey Cypress
Moreton bay fig
Narrow-leaved Ash
Desert ash
Norfolk Island Hibiscus
Prickly-leaved Paperback
Radiata Pine / Monterey Pine
London Plane
White poplar
Lombardy Poplar
Black locust
Weeping willow
Evergreen Willow
Crack Willow
Basket Willow
Golden Weeping Willow
Peppercorn Tree

tree removal gawler council cut tree

What about removal of public and street trees?

Trees growing on public land and streets are considered to be council property. As a result, they are managed and regulated by the council.

The council may have to prune or cut such trees under the following circumstances.

  • In case the trees are not healthy
  • Pruning if the trees are damaged
  • Removal of trees causing damage to private property
  • Trees interfering with power lines or any other type of infrastructure.

How to apply for a tree removal permit

Go to the above online form and fill it out to make a formal request for tree removal approval.

Is it illegal to remove regulated or significant trees without permit?


In any case, you are found to have worked on regulated or significant trees without a permit, then you will be guilty of an offence.

The council will require you to pay huge fines and it can include replacing the removed trees.

Gawler City Council contact details

Phone: (08) 8522 9211


Gawler Council Tree Preservation order - TPO

The above is a summary of your local Councils tree preservation order. Please follow the link for the full document.